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Howdy from the Qantas Club!

Sha8doW's picture

Howdy fellas
im sitting in the qantas club, wasting some time!
thought id say Hi yall
hope youse can keep it up without me!

i wont do it… but i had a thought about our marketing campagine!

i walk round and log every computer onto
then run away!

cya’ll soon

PS, here at the qantas club the transperancy on the eagle on the corner doesnt work!
its the straight white square with the eagle!


Sha8doW's picture

but the goood news is!

the good news is the side font dealie on the comments works here!
maybe its just my machine/res at home!

pfft…. im not crazy, fuzz knows what iom talking about!

Fuzz's picture

Eagle and white dealie

Hey hey Shad, good to hear from you on the road.

Eagle / non invis – You’re using IE6 if the background of the eagle’s white… and if you’re using IE6, you get what you deserve :)

Subscribe to the Recent Changes RSS feed – that way you you’ll be up to date with everything thats happening on the site, not just what is promoted to the front page. Heaps has been going on with the site, have a read of the whole to do list especially what’s been done and how it was done. The eagle thing was discussed on the ToDo list months ago.

Make logo background invis – done. (ltmon)

  • I did this for you ‘cos I was bored. It won’t work in IE6 because it doesn’t directly support transparent PNGs. I can probably get it to work by modifying the theme if you care about this. (ltmon)
    • Cool thanks. Nah not fussed if it works in IE6. It renders fine (just with a white background). I’m fine with that. The less we hack the theme the better (I say as i finish hacking the image location theme :) ) (Fuzz)

Fuzz's picture

team ipx marketing

hehe cool idea

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